ნობელიანტები ქიმიაში


ილია პრიგოჟინი   (Paul Delos Boyer )


დაბადება: 31-07-1918 (პროვო, იუტა, აშშ, აშშ)


ალმა–მატერი: ბრაიჰამის უნივერსიტეტი, ვისკონზინ–მედისონის უნივერსიტეტი


"შეუქცევადი პროცესების თერმოდინამიკაში, განსაკუთრებით დისიპატიური სტრუქტურების თეორიაში, შესრულებული ნაშრომებისათვის"  




ძირითადი შრომები

Kanazawa, T. & P. D. Boyer. "Occurrence and Characteristics of a Rapid Exchange of Phosphate Oxygens Catalyzed by Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Vesicles", University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Atomic Energy Commission), (1972).

Boyer, P. D. "Isotopic Studies on Structure-function Relationships of Nucleic Acids and Enzymes. Three Year Progress Report, May 1972 -- October 1975", University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Energy Research and Development Administration), (1975).

Boyer, P. D. "Energy Capture and Use in Plants and Bacteria. Final Technical Report", University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States Department of Energy, (December 31, 1993).



Kanazawa, T. & P. D. Boyer. "Occurrence and Characteristics of a Rapid Exchange of Phosphate Oxygens Catalyzed by Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Vesicles", University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Atomic Energy Commission), (1972).

Boyer, P. D. "Isotopic Studies on Structure-function Relationships of Nucleic Acids and Enzymes. Three Year Progress Report, May 1972 -- October 1975", University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Energy Research and Development Administration), (1975).

Boyer, P. D. "Energy Capture and Use in Plants and Bacteria. Final Technical Report", University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States Department of Energy, (December 31, 1993).



Boyer, Paul D (2002), "A research journey with ATP synthase.", Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (42): 39045–61, 2002 Oct 18, doi:10.1074/jbc.X200001200, PMID 12181328

Allchin, Douglas (2002), "To err and win a nobel prize: Paul Boyer, ATP synthase and the emergence of bioenergetics.", Journal of the history of biology 35 (1): 149–72, doi:10.1023/A:1014583721788, PMID 12068893

Lores Arnaiz, G R (1998), "[Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1997: Jean Skou, Paul Boyer and John Walker: the motor of life]", Medicina (B Aires) 58 (1): 107–9, PMID 9674216

Boyer, P D (1995), "From human serum albumin to rotational catalysis by ATP synthase.", FASEB J. 9 (7): 559–61, 1995 Apr, PMID 7737466


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