ნობელიანტები ქიმიაში
ფრედერიკ სოდი (Frederick Soddy )
დაბადება: 2-09-1877 (ისტბორნი, ინგლისი, გაერთიანებული სამეფო)
გარდაცვალება: 22-09-1956
ალმა–მატერი: აბერიტვიფის უნივერსიტეტი, მერტონ კოლეჯი (ოქსფორდი)
„რადიოაქტიული ნივთიერებათა ქიმიის განვითარებისათვის იზოტოპების წარმოშობისა და ბუნების გამოკვლევისათვის“
ძირითადი შრომები
Radioactivity (1904)
The Interpretation of Radium (1909) (a searchable facsimile at the University of Georgia Libraries; DjVu & layered PDF format)
The Chemistry of the Radioactive Elements (1912–1914)
Matter and Energy (1912)
Science and life: Aberdeen addresses (1920)
Cartesian Economics: The Bearing of Physical Science upon State Stewardship (1921)
Science and Life Wealth, Virtual Wealth, and Debt Money versus Man etc (1921)
Nobel Lecture - The origins of the conception of isotopes (1922)
Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt. The solution of the economic paradox (George Allen & Unwin, 1926)
The wrecking of a scientific age (1927)
The Interpretation of the Atom (1932)
Money versus Man (1933)
The Role of Money, Frederick Soddy (George Routledge & Sons Ltd, 1934. Internet Archive Gutenberg)
Money as nothing for something ; The gold "standard" snare (1935)
Present outlook, a warning : debasement of the currency, deflation and unemployment (1944)
The Story of Atomic Energy (1949)
Atomic Transmutation (1953)
Radioactivity (1904)
The Interpretation of Radium (1909) (a searchable facsimile at the University of Georgia Libraries; DjVu & layered PDF format)
The Chemistry of the Radioactive Elements (1912–1914)
Matter and Energy (1912)
Science and life: Aberdeen addresses (1920)
Cartesian Economics: The Bearing of Physical Science upon State Stewardship (1921)
Science and Life Wealth, Virtual Wealth, and Debt Money versus Man etc (1921)
Nobel Lecture - The origins of the conception of isotopes (1922)
Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt. The solution of the economic paradox (George Allen & Unwin, 1926)
The wrecking of a scientific age (1927)
The Interpretation of the Atom (1932)
Money versus Man (1933)
The Role of Money, Frederick Soddy (George Routledge & Sons Ltd, 1934. Internet Archive Gutenberg)
Money as nothing for something ; The gold "standard" snare (1935)
Present outlook, a warning : debasement of the currency, deflation and unemployment (1944)
The Story of Atomic Energy (1949)
Atomic Transmutation (1953)
Mansel Davies (1992). "Frederick Soddy: The scientist as prophet". Annals of Science 49 (4): 351 – 367. doi:10.1080/00033799200200301.
George B. Kauffman (1997). "The World Made New: Frederick Soddy, Science, Politics, and Environment". Isis 88 (3): 564. doi:10.1086/383825. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0021-1753%28199709%2988%3A3%3C564%3ATWMNFS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-F.
Daly, Herman E. Winter (1980). "The economic thought of Frederick Soddy". History of Political Economy 12 (4): 469–488. doi:10.1215/00182702-12-4-469.
Freeman M. I. (1979). "Soddy, Frederick and the Practical Significance of Radioactive Matter". Britisch Journal for the History of Science 12 (42): 257–260. doi:10.1017/S0007087400017313.
Richard E. Sclove (1989). "From Alchemy to Atomic War: Frederick Soddy's "Technology Assessment" of Atomic Energy, 1900-1915". Science, Technology, & Human Values 14 (2): 163. doi:10.1177/016224398901400203. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0162-2439%28198921%2914%3A2%3C163%3AFATAWF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2., pp. 163–194
Linda Merricks (1996). The World Made New: Frederick Soddy, Science, Politics, and Environment.. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 223. ISBN 0198559348.
A. N. Krivomazov (1978). Frederick Soddy: 1877-1956.. Moscow: Nauka. pp. 208.
George B. Kauffman (1986). Frederick Soddy (1877-1956): Early Pioneer in Radiochemistry (Chemists and Chemistry). Dordrecht; Boston; Hingham: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 272. ISBN 978-9027719263.
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