Call For AbstractsRegistration will be possible from March 10, 2016
Abstract for the presentation should be directly uploaded during registration process or submitted by e-mail as a DOC file to organizing committee.
Abstract length is limited up to 2 pages size A4.
The deadline for abstract submission is July 30, 2016.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by August 10, 2016.
No registration fee for first 30 registered participants!!! Registration fee will be covered by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation Grant.
Registration fee includes admission to the
scientific events, coffee breaks, lunches, a copy of
the proceedings and city tour.
For exchange rate see here.
Registration fee cancellation policy:
If the participant would like to cancel his attendance, the notifying letter as well as the request for the reimbursement of the registration fee should be sent to organizing committee.