Prof. Dr. Branko Stanovnik

Prof. Dr. Branko Stanovnik
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 5, POB 537
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
1960 Diploma (Chemistry)
1964 Ph. D. (Organic Chemistry), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1964 Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana
1967 Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana
1972- Full Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Ljubljana
1964-1965 Postdoctorate Fellow, National Research Council of Canada, Atlantic Regional Laboratory, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
1974 and 1976 Visiting Professor, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
1979 Visiting Fellow, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Research interest: Organic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis.
Publications: over 650 papers, including review articles and books.
Lectures: Over 80 plenary and invited lectures at international congresses and symposia, over 200 invited lectures at various universities, academies and industrial research laboratories in USA, Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Australia, South Africa, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, etc
Professional Appointments:
1983-1987 Member of Advisory Board, International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry
1976-1984 Vice-President of the Union of Yugoslav Chemical Societies
1987- Member of the General Assembly, Federation of European Chemical
present Societies (Delegate of the Slovenian Chemical Society)
1987-1991 Member of the Council of Federation of European Chemical Societies
1996- Member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of European Chemical Societies
1976- Chairman of the Editorial Board, Vestnik Slovenskega kemijskega društva, present since 1994 Acta Chimica Slovenica, Slovenia
1990 Associate Editor, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, Belgium
1990 Member of Advisory Board, Croatica Chemica Acta, Croatia
1994 Member of Advisory Editorial Board, Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry, USA
1994 Member of the Scientific Committee, European Colloquia of Heterocyclic Chemistry
1995 Member of the Scientifi Committee, Blue Danube Symposia of Heterocyclic Chemistry
1997 Member of Advisory Editorial Board, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, USA
1998 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
1999 Member of the Board of Electronic Journal ARKIVOC
1999 Head, Department of International Relations and Scientific Cordination of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2000 Member of the Adviory Board Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry
2001 Member of the Scientific Committee of TRAMEC Symposia (Transmediterranian Symposia of Heterocyclic Chemistry)
2002 Member of International Advisory Committee of Ibn Sina International Conferences On Pure and Applied Heterocyclic Chemistry, Egypt
2005 Decanus Classis Scientiarum Naturalium Academiae Scientiarum et Artium Europeae, Salzburg. (Dean of the Class “Natural Sciences” of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg)
2005 Member of Scientific Committee of Eurasian Meeting on Heterocyclic Chemistry
2005 Member of Advisory Editorial Board, Trends in Heterocyclic Chemisty
1972 Boris Kidrič Fund Award for Science, Slovenia
1977 Boris Kidrič Award and Medal for Science, Slovenia
1975 Honorary Medal and Diploma, Technical University, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
1989 And 1982 Boris Kidrič Fund Award for Innovations, Slovenia
2006 “Kametani Award” awarded by The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry and Elsevier for outstanding research in heterocyclic chemistry
2007 Medal and Diploma “In Memory of Professor A. N. Kost” for achievments in the field of heterocyclic chemistry awarded by International
Scientific Partnership Foundation, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
Membership (Elected):
1984 Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Great Britain
1991 Member, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1991 Member, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea, Salzburg, Austria
1995 The New York Academy of Sciences, New York, USA
1998 Honorary Member, Hungarian Chemical Society
1998 Inaugural Honorary Member of Florida Center for Heterocyclic Compounds, Gainesville, Florida, USA
2011 Honorary member, Italian Chemical Society
Invited Lectures
See Also
Agricultural University of Georgia
Association of Professional Chemists
of Georgia