Prof. Maurizio Botta

Prof. Maurizio Botta, PhD (U.N.B. – Canada) is full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy of University of Siena, from November 1st 2009 to December 2012 was Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and, from January 1st 2008, Adjunct Professor in Temple University’s College of Science and Technology, in the Department of Biology, Philadelphia (USA). From 2002 to 2008 has been Head of the Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico of the University of Siena.
EU expert for reviewing TMR projects, and for the Mid-Term review of the same project. EU expert in the panel “Quality of Life” for reviewing of “Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health” research program. Projects reviewer for Italian, Slovenian Research Projects, for the Austrian Research Fund (Wissenschaftsfonds-FWF), for the Cancer Research UK Programme and actually for “Fondazione Roma”, for the French National Research Agency and for Italian Ministery for the Economic Development. He is Member of the Editorial Board for “ChemMedChem”, “Journal of Medicinal Chemistry”, “Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling”and from January 2010 is Associate Editor for “Medicinal Chemistry Letters” (ACS).
He is member of the “Società Chimica Italiana”, of the American Chemical Society and of the QSAR Society. He was Chairman of a number of scientific schools and meetings, among which European Workshops in Drug Design and in Drug Synthesis, European COST Meetings, “ACS EFMC Frontiers in CNS & Oncology Medicinal Chemistry”, “1st iDDi Workshopon Neglected and Orphan Diseases” held at University of Siena; he was co-Chairman at the Conference “3rd IUPAC-2002 International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products. Received five Merck Research Laboratories Awards "Academic Development Program in Chemistry”. Since 1988, Prof. Botta is the owner of research funds granted by University, MIUR, CNR, EU, and Pharmaceutical Companies. Professor Botta is the author of about 400 papers, 9 publications on volumes, 25 patents.
Invited Lectures
See Also
Agricultural University of Georgia
Association of Professional Chemists
of Georgia