President of IChO-48
Minister of Science and Education of Georgia
Distinguished participants and guests of the 48th International Chemistry Olympiad!
On behalf of the IChO Organizing Committee, I have a privilege to give an appreciation that it is an incredible honor to host such important and prestigious international event as “The 48th International Chemistry Olympiad”. It is our great honor that this event will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, during 23 July-01 August, 2016.
We are absolutely ready and responsible to assure you that the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad will use all the efforts to make this event perfectly fulfilled in Georgia. The days you will spend in Tbilisi will be an unforgettable in all - scientific, cultural and educational terms.
Each and every one of us is well aware of the significance of the International Chemistry Olympiad and highly praise not only its scientific-educational worth but also its humane and cultural value. This event will undoubtedly contribute to popularization of natural sciences, and especially chemistry among young people.
Furthermore, this experience has a fabulous meaning for across-the-board and outgoing relations among the different nations, among the youth of different historical backgrounds and religious belongings, with various cultural values.
Both these features are fundamentals for future comprehensive scientific and technical accomplishments. It is celebrated that astounding innovations in science and technologies could be possible only through international collaboration, co-working space and joint researches.
Once more, let me go over with my most genuine greetings to all of you and we are pleased to welcome in Georgia - the most prosperous chemistry students from 76 countries all over the world.
Yours sincerely,
Alexandre Jejelava
President of IChO-48
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia

Chairman of Organizing Committee
of IChO-48
Deputy Minister of Education and
Science of Georgia
Dear colleague,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have the honor to invite the delegation of your country to the 48th International Chemistry Olympiad, which will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia from July 23 to August 1, 2016.
Georgia is very proud to host the Olympiad, a competition of talented young chemists from all over the globe. We hope that the competition will give further opportunities to the participants to take part in the joy of Chemistry, get to know each other, and return home with the best impressions from our country.
The event and the organizers will follow the rules specified in the Regulations of the International Chemistry Olympiad. All local expenses throughout the Olympiad will be covered by the host. The participation fees for each country are determined according to the rules set by the International Jury.
We would like to ask you to complete the registration of your country on our website before
March 31. We will post all relevant information on the website,
and we will update you continuously.
Feel free to contact us at
Please convey our welcome to your prospective students. We are looking
forward to seeing your
delegation in Tbilisi.
Your sincerely,
Dr. Tamaz Marsagishvili
Chairman of Organizing
Committee of IChO-48
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia
Next Olympiad

17 August 2016
Official video of closing ceremony
17 August 2016
Official video of closing ceremony
22 July 2016