11 May 2016 | Visit of SC members of the IChO: 1st Day
The elected members of SC of the IChO Alexandr Gladilin (Russia, 2015), Duckhwan Lee (Korea 2012), Gabor Magyarfalvi (chair, Hungary, 2012) and ex-officio member Igrar Nazarov (Azerbaijan, 2015) visited to Georgia. They have meeting at Minister of Education and Science of Georgia with the chair of the local organizing committee Tamaz Marsagishvili and the representatives of all government agencies working on the project (Foreign Affairs, Tourism, Sports, Internal Affairs).
After meeting the members of SC of the IChO and representatives of host country Elizbar Elizbarashvili (main organizer) and Natia Ochkhikidze (executive secretary) have visited hotels for accommodation of students and mentors.
The photo gallery of meeting. >>>
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