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უფროსი მეცნიერ თანამშრომელი

თბილისის სახლემწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის ი.ქუთათელაძის ფარმაკოქიმიის ინსტიტუტი



საკონტაქტო ინფორმაცია

მისამართი: თბილისი, კრწანისის16, კ.6.ბ.6""""

ტელეფონი: 2722696

მობილური: 599761117


პირადი ვებ-გვერდი:


დაბადების თარიღი: 1969-06-13


სამეცნიერო აქტიურობა:

  • ორგანული სინთეზი
  • ბიოლოგიურად აქტიური სტეროიდული ნაერთების სინთეზი
  • ბიოლოგიურად აქტიური მცენარეული ბიოპოლიმერების სინთეზური ანალოგების მიღება


სულ სამეცნიერო შრომები:  89   (მათ შორის სტატიები: 42,   თეზისები: 46,   წიგნები: 0,   პატენტები: 1)


რჩეული სტატიები

  • Merlani M. I., Kemertelidze E.P., K Papadopoulos., Men’shova N. I. Some Derivatives of 5α-Ketosteroid Hydrazones: Synthesis from Tigogenin and Antituberculosis Activity. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2004, vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 497–501.
  • M.I. Merlani, L.Sh.Amiranashvili, K.G. Mulkidzhanyan, E.P.Kemertelidze Synthesis and biological activity of certain amino-derivatives of 5α-steroids. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2006, vol. 42, No. 3, р.322-324.
  • M. I. Merlani, L. Sh. Amiranashvili, N. I. Men’shova and E. P. Kemertelidze. Synthesis of 5α-androstan-3β,17β-diol from tigogenin.Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2007, vol. 43, No 1, p. 97-99.
  • M. I. Merlani, L. Sh. Amiranashvili, E. P. Kemertelidze, K. G. Mulkidzhanyan. Synthesis and antimicobacterial activity of some steroidal derivatives of tigogenin. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2009, p,389-392.
  • M.Merlani, V.Barbakadze, L.Amiranashvili, L.Gogilashvili, E.Yannakopoulou, K.Papadopoulos, B.Chankvetadze. Enantioselective synthesis and antioxidant activity of 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-glyceric acid - Basic monomeric moiety of a biologically active polyether from Symphytum asperum and S. caucasicum. Chirality, 2010, V. 22, N 8, P. 717-725.
  • V.Barbakadze, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, M.Merlani, K.Mulkijanyan, M.Churadze, A.Salgado, B.Chankvetadze. Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from Anchusa italica roots. Natural Product Communications, 2010, V. 5, N 7, P.1091-1095.
  • V.Barbakadze, M.Merlani, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, E. Shaburishvili Anticomplementary and antioxidative activity of high- molecular fractions from the leaves of Symphytun asperum and S.caucasicum. Pharmaceutical Chemistry J., 2011, V.44, N 11, 604-607.
  • K.Lomsadze, M. Merlani, V.Barbakadze, T. Farkas, B. Chankvetadze. Enantioseparation of Chiral Epoxides with Polysaccharide-Based Chiral Columns in HPLC. Chromatographia (2012) 75:839–845.
  • S.Shrotriya, G.Deep, K.Ramasamy, K.Raina, V. Barbakadze, M. Merlani, L. Gogilashvili, L. Amiranashvili,K. Mulkijanyan, K. Papadopoulos, Ch. Agarwal, R. Agarwal. Poly[3-(3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl) glyceric acid] from Comfrey exerts anti-cancer efficacyagainst human prostate cancer via targeting androgen receptor, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Carcinogenesis. 2012, vol.33 no.8 pp.1572–1580
  • V. Barbakadze, L. Gogilashvili, L. Amiranashvili, M. Merlani, K. Mulkijanyan. Novel phenolic polymer as potential therapeutic agent. Polym. Adv. Technol., 2013, V. 24, Issue Suppl. 1, P. 126


რჩეული თეზისები

  • Merlani M., Amiranashvili L. Some 5-ketosteroid derivatives: synthesis and antituberculous activity. 4th Eurasian meeting on heterocyclic chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 27-31, 2006. p.170-171
  • Barbakadze V., Mulkijanyan K., Merlani M., Targamadze I. Antioxidant, anticomplementary and antiinflamatory activity of poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from Symphtum Asperum and S.Caucasicum (Boraginaceae). 3-rd Internarional conference on oxidative stress in skin medicine and biology., Andros, Greece, 21-24 September, 2006. p.60.
  • Merlani M., Amiranashvili L.Novel steroidal hydrazones: synthesis and biological activity. 10th Ibn Sina international conference on pure and applied hetercyclic chemistry. Luxor, Egypt, 17-20 February, 2007. p.74.
  • Merlani M., Barbakadze V., Papadopoulos K., Amiranashvili L., Gogilashvili L., Mulkijanian K. Synthesis of a new 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid-monomer of Biologically active poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)gyceric acid] from Symphtum Asperum and S.Caucasicum(Boraginaceae). Petra International Chemistry conference and TRAMECH-5. Tafila, Jordan,June 25-28, 2007. P.15.
  • M.Merlani, V.Barbakadze, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, K.Mulkijanyan, E.Yannakopoulou, K.Papadopoulos, D.Christodouleas. Synthesis and antioxidant activity of 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid, monomer of a biologically active polyether isolated from Symphytum asperum and S.caucasicum. 7th Joint meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE&SIF. Athens, Greece. Abstracts. 2008, PG79.
  • S.Shrotriya, G.Deep, N.Walia, V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan, M.Merlani, K.Papadopoulos, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, E.Shaburishvili, R.Agarwal. Anti-cancer efficacy of novel polymer from Caucasian species of comfrey and its synthetic monomer against androgen-dependent and -independent human prostate cancer cells. American Association for Cancer Research 100th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. Abstracts. 2009, N 921.
  • M.Merlani, V.Barbakadze, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from Anchusa italica Retz.2-nd International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science.Abstracts. Lyon, France. Lyon (France), 2011, P.2.049
  • V. Barbakadze1, L.Gogilashvili, L. Amiranashvili, M.Merlani, K. Mulkijanyan, A. Salgado, B.Chankvetadze, Biologically active poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene] from Symphytum asperum, S. caucasicum and Anchusa italicaFifth International Symposium on the Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules. Abstract. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 26th – 28th, 2011, pBA6.
  • M.Merlani, V.Barbakadze, L.Amiranashvili, L.Gogilashvili, K.Papadopoulos. Enantioselective synthesis of 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-glyceric acid via Sharpless dihydroxylation of caffeic acid – basic monomeric moietis of a biologically active polyether isolated from Symphytum asperum and S. caucasicum. Twelfth Tetrahedron Symposium Challenges in Organic and Bio-organic Chemistry. Abstracts. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 2011, P2.073.
  • V. Barbakadze, L. Gogilashvili, L. Amiranashvili, M. Merlani, K. Mulkijanyan. Novel phenolic polymer as potential therapeutic agent. 12th International Polymers for Advanced Technologies (PAT) Conference, 29 September – 2 October, 2013, Berlin, Germany. Abstract Book, P. 126.


რჩეული პატენტები

P 2012 5391 B (GE) Int.Cl.(2006) a 61 K 36/00. Sum of high-molecular compounds of comfrey roots and its use for treatment.


რჩეული წიგნები, მონოგრაფიები, სახელმძღვანელოები



  • 07.2002-08.2002 – NATO Fellowship Program for Partner Countries, 2002, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Directorate for International Organizations and Policies, Research Contract DOO 850, M. Merlani, K. Papadopoulos, (Athens, Greece). Title of the project: Synthesis and structure determination of some unknown hydrazones with supposed biological activity on the bases of steroidal sapogenin-tigogenin.
  • 12. 2003- 12.2006 - NATO Reintegration Grant, Fel RIG 980773, M. Merlani, K. Papadopoulos, (Athens, Greece). Title of the project: Synthesis of some new biologically active compounds on the basis of steroidal sapogenin-tigogenin
  • 1997-2005- Grantees of Georgain Academy of sciences. Title of the project: Synthesis of biologically active compounds on the basis of steroidal sapogenin-tigogenin.
  • 06.2007-12.2008 – CRDF/GRDF Grant, GEB-3344-TB-06, Title of the project: A new polymer poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from Symphytum asperum and S.caucasicum and its synthetic monomer: prospective cancer preventive and anti-cancer compounds.
  • 03.2009-03.2011.-GNSF-/ST08/6-469. Title of the project: Investigation of novel prospective anticancer caffeic acid-derived polymeric agents from Caucasian species of Comfrey and related synthetic compounds.
  • 04.2012-04.2014. Development of modern II stage wound healing preparations on the basis of novel plant biopolymer . Grant agreement N 10/21
  • 04.2013-09.2013. Matsumae International Foundation fellowship. Title of the project: Synthesis of poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene]- synthetic analogue of wound-healing and anticancer natural biopolymer from comfrey


სალექციო კურსები

1. ორგანული ქიმია
2. ტოქსიკოლოგიური ქიმია
3. სამედიცინო ქიმია



1980-1985წწ- საქართველოს პოლიტექნიკური ინსტიტუტის ქიმიური ტექნოლოგიის ფაკულტეტი
1985-1988წწ- მოსკოვის დ.მენდელეევის სახ. ქიმიური-ტექნოლოგიის ინსტიტუტის ასპირანტურა



11.06.1990წ . დიპლომი XM # 022332 ქიმიის მეცნიერებათა კანდიდატი, „5-სტეროიდების 17-ამინო და 17-ჰიდრაზინნაწარმების სინთეზი და თვისებები“, ი.ჯავახიშვილის სახ. თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, სამეცნიერო ხელმძღვანელი ნ.სუვოროვი



1. Report: Isonicotinoylhydrazones from Tigogenin: Synthesis and Antituberculosis Activity.Workshop- Multiple-drug resistant tuberculosis epidemiolgic, diagnostic, and therapeutic research opportunities, CRDF, Cooperation in HIV/Aids and related infections joint FSU/Baltic-US Scientific Workshop Grants Program, August 30-September 1, 2004, Tbilisi, Georgia
2. Report: Wound healing agent from caucasian species of comfrey (Symphytum).Workshop INTAS – South-Caucasus 2006 Scientific Cooperation and Collaborative Call. April 19-21, 2006, Tbilisi - Geor


საზოგადოებრივი აქტიურობა

თსსუ ი.ქუთათელაძის ფარმაკოქიმიის ინსტიტუტტის სამეცნიერო საბჭოს თავჯდომარის მოადგილე


მიღებული სიგელები და ჯილდოები

1.საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის სტიპენდიანტი 1997წ
2. ნატოს-სტიპენდიანტი 2002წ




საქართველოს პროფესიონალ ქიმიკოსთა ასოციაციის წევრია: 2014-06-06-დან